
Powerful Document review and Collaboration Paradigm

  • Sequential and parallel review processes as well as synchronous (live meetings) and asynchronous sessions supported by color-coded redlining, annotations, white-board, , textual and graphical chat, audio-video, polling and various other modes of communication augment the core view and markup features of eReview
  • In sequential eReview sessions reviewers can Review documents in a workflow amongst a group of users; the participating users carry on their review in a pre-defined order; In parallel eReview sessions reviewers can Review documents simultaneously with other reviewers. eReview Asynchronous module can support both sequential and parallel document review
  • In eReview synchronous meetings reviewers can share, conference, view and markup documents simultaneously. “Co-view” and “co-markup” documents in a real-time meeting environment
  • Switch instantly between real-time collaborative and individual reviewing
  • Embed threaded discussions/chat sessions on selected portions of the documents
  • Utilize User Pointer to locate different viewing sections in an online meeting
  • 6666Modify eMail invitation text to any content according to choice
  • Audio conferencing tools within the same document-sharing environment to facilitate effortless audio communication
  • Desktop and application sharing features present
  • Webcast sessions of ongoing meetings to multiple passive attendees
  • Save the review sessions and meeting logs as minutes – insure that a company will never lose track on how important decisions were reached
  • Save or playback collaborative sessions in a lightweight XML files